The Crustacean family includes crabs, lobsters and shrimp.
Durban Hinge-Beak Shrimp
Also called: camel shrimp
Scientific name: Rhynchocinetes durbanensis
Peacock-tail Anemone Shrimp
Also called: glass anemone shrimp
Scientific name: Periclimenes brevicarpalis
Banded Coral Shrimp
Also called: Banded boxer shrimp, banded prawn, coral banded shrimp and barber-pole shrimp.
Scientific name: Stenopus hispidus
Apparently, even though it has "shrimp" in its name, this popular little guy is not a shrimp or a prawn, it belongs to a species that is distinct from either.
Hermit Crabs
Scientific name: Superfamily Paguroidea
There are over 500 individual species of hermit crabs, so telling one from the other when they're in their shell is a bit difficult.
Cleaner Shrimp
Scientific name: Superfamily Periclimenes
Periclimenes is a huge group of small shrimps that are often found on corals, anemones and even sea stars.
Coleman Shrimp
Scientific name: Periclimenes colemani
These little black and white critters are found almost exclusively riding around on fire urchins.
Porcelain Anemone Crab
Scientific name: Neopetrolisthes maculosus
These crabs seem to be easier to find a night, when they come out on top of their anemone hosts. By day they usually hide under the anemone./p>
Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Also called: Harlequin mantis shrimp, painted mantis shrimp.
Scientific name: Odontodactylus scyllarus
Saron Shrimp
Also called: Marble Shrimp
Scientific name: Saron marmoratus
Sexy Shrimp
Also called: Thor Shrimp
Scientific name: Thor amboinensis
You gotta love the common name for this guy, which apparently comes from the way it shakes its body.
Zebra Crab
Scientific name: Zebrida adamsii
These little black and white critters are found almost exclusively riding around on fire urchins.
Orangutan Crab
Scientific name: Achaeus japonicus
With its long legs and “hairy” red color, the common name of this crab seems like a good fit. We saw a large number of these around Bangka island and the Lembeh strait. They're commonly found, as pictured, on bubble coral.
Pederson's shrimp
Scientific name: Ancylomenes pedersoni
Not too sure about this identification, but for the myriad of small shrimps I could find pictures of, this is the closest match.
Painted Lobster
Also called: painted rock lobster, common rock lobster, bamboo lobster, blue lobster, and blue spiny lobster.
Scientific name: Panulirus versicolor
These were rather common around Bangka in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Emperor Shrimp
Scientific name: Periclimenes imperator
These small shrimps are commonly found riding on the back of sea cucumbers.