SEA Undersea

Whitemouth Moray

Also called: Guineafowl Moray, Turkey Moray, Spotted Eel

Scientific name: Gymnothorax meleagris

I have no idea why this eel is called anything else but "whitemouth". After all, it has a white mouth, period. It is quite striking when you come across one, as we were lucky to do in the Maldives.

Snowflake-patched moray

Scientific name: Gymnothorax niphostigmus

Ribbon Eel

Also called: Bernis eel

Scientific name: Gymnothorax funebris

It may not look like one, but the tiny ribbon eel is part of the moray family. Unlike morays, ribbon eels make a burrow in the sand and rarely have more than third of their body out of their hole. Juvenile and female ribbons are solid black, and most curiously of all, the eel changes from male to female as it gets older.

Green Moray

Scientific name: Gymnothorax funebris

Fimbriated Moray

Scientific name: Gymnothorax fimbriatus

Giant Moray

Scientific name: Gymnothorax javanicus

A number of moray species are quite similar, but I believe the black patch near the gills makes this a giant moray. If I'm wrong, please use the contact link below to correct me.

Giant morays can be quite dangerous if provoked, but you really have to provoke them. It's best to just keep your distance, and don't touch, of course.