SEA Undersea

Groupers are a large family of stout-bodied fish that inhabit coral reefs around the world. The common name appears to come from the Portuguese name for the fish, garoupa, which it is believed they got from the word used by indigineous South Americans for the fish.

Yellowmouth Grouper

Also called: crossband rockfish, grey mannock, harlequin rockfish

Scientific name: Mycteroperca interstitialis

This species is fairly common in the Cariibean. This one was spotted around Grand Turk. Some of these fellow had become used to being fed lionfish by the dive guides and would follow the divers around waiting for a free meal.

Spotted Coral Grouper

Scientific name: Plectropomus maculatus

The Spotted Coral Grouper is one of five species of the medium-sized Plectropomus that are found throughout the region. It can be found on coral reefs throughout southeast Asia and the Western Pacific.

Coronation Grouper

Also called: Coronation Trout

Scientific name: Variola louti

It took me a while to identify this guy. He's not in a lot of the fish guides, and the moon-shaped tail doesn't make you think grouper. The fish can be found in clear water areas of reefs around the region. It's worth noting that in places where the reef corals are degraded, this fish can produce toxins that can poison humans when eaten.